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Jobs & Moving to NYC






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Mayor's Office with links to a variety ot agencies and services.

I probaby don't need to tell you that New York, NY (Manhattan) is one of the most desirable cities in the world to live in. Mayor Mike Bloomberg was "greening" New York City through 2013, by banning vehicles from entering through bridges and tunnels with less than 3 passengers, and closing off certain streets to traffic for pedestrian enjoyment, creating bicycle lanes and the citibike program.

Now we have Mayor Bill de Blasio; let's see what he does.

Click here for the 2013 Community Air Survey for NYC.

Most people desire to live here because it is the Culture Capital and Fashion Capital of the World - or you need lots of capital to get the culture! :-)

Many musicians, fashion designers, fine artists, photographers, and performing artists are drawn to New York City because of all the artistic opportunities here.

The best way to apartment hunt is to ask people you know or who you network with. Another way is to go to the neighborhood you are thinking of moving to, as many buildings have a sign taped to the door that reads, 'apartment for rent-no fee- contact owner' with a phone number to call.

Be aware of scammers.

I recall a news story of how a woman signed a bogus lease, and when she showed up, she learned the apartment was not hers, and she was left homeless and lost lots of money. These scammers are usually on craigslist. To avoid this, look in the front lobby of the apartment building for a sign or plaque citing the owner or management company (usually lists a phone number and/or address). Contact them to make certain the apartment is really available and if the contact person you are dealing with is legitamite. But sometimes owner/management info is not in the building's lobby; so what do you do?

Find the building owner:

Go to the NYC Buildings website where you can input the address of the building and select the borough to get it's tax block and tax lot numbers. Make note of the tax block and tax lot numbers and go to the ACRIS website. On their home page, scroll to the middle of the page to a button that reads "start using acris", click on that button and you are taken to a page with several options, and you are going to select "search by parcel identifier". On the search by parcel identifier page, input the block and lot number to find out the building owner's name and address. From there you can contact the owner/s by googling their name or company name to locate a phone number. Be it known that nothing is 100% in the way of acquiring actual names as some buildings are owned by banks. However, you can proceed to look for the building's registration info and find more info there. HPD Online has a lot of information.

80/20 Buildings

There are also certain buildings that have reduced rents and are subsized by NY state or NYC. Click here for more information.

I have also heard that some luxury apartment buildings get a tax break by having a few 80/20-type apartments available.

Your needs will often govern what kind of apartment you can apply for/get in these reduced rent buildings. If you are single with no children, you won't get a 2 or 3 Bedroom apartment. If you're a couple with 2 girl children, you will only be able to get a 2 Bedroom, as they will tell you that 2 girls can share a room (not unless there are special needs for one of the girls). But if you're a couple or single parent with a boy and a girl, you will be able to get a 3 Bedroom apartment.

Reduced rent buildings

Phipps Buildings and Mitchell-Lama went under new management and aren't as affordable as they were.


Manhattan Plaza, located in midtown Manhattan on the Westside in the low 40s and is specifically for people who work in theater and the performing arts. Manhattan Plaza bills you monthly at 1/3rd your gross salary. For those of you who aren't good at math, if you gross salary is $2400.00 per month, your monthly rent will be about $800.00/month. That's still pretty good for NYC standards. The apartments are fairly modern (the complexes were built in the mid 70's). They have a lovely health club on the roof (which I imagine costs extra). However, it is located across from the Port Authority Bus Terminal and the Lincoln Tunnel, where all those buses are belching out exhaust fumes, (if you have respiratory problems it might not be the best place for you to reside).

I have heard that Manhattan Plaza has a 10 year waiting list, and you can't sign up anytime you want. You have to wait till the list opens and you may not know or read it inthe paper at the time they announce it publicly. Please do not feel totally disheartened...I knew a a lady who placed her name on the supposed 10 year waiting list at Manhattan Plaza, and it only took 2 years for them to call her with an apartment available! Manhattan Plaza waiting lists
(212) 971-0660

On 57th St & 10th Avenue(northeast corner), one needs to belong to some kind of actors union like Screen Actors Guild/SAG, and/or have a disability. A friend who had polio as a child; walks with crutches and is roommates with his HIV+ friend. You cannot get an apartment all to yourself there, you must have a roommate. My two friends have 2 bedroom apartment they paid $1100.00 for(about 10 years ago). Split its $550.00/month. (I think it includes electric).

For lower rent, consider moving outside Manhattan.

East Harlem is mostly Hispanic and West Harlem is mostly African American, but there is a mix in both areas.

The Bronx is also becoming a popular place to live, since areas of Brooklyn are now as expensive as Manhattan.

Apply for public housing

Other Housing Authority Developments in Manhattan:
Amsterdam Additions, Amsterdam Houses, Audubon Apts, Baruch Houses, Bethune Gardens, Braceti Plaza, Carver Houses, Chelsea Houses, Clinton Houses, Douglass Houses, Drew Hamilton Houses, Dyckman Houses, East River Houses, Elliot Houses, F.E. Samuels Apts., First Houses, Fort Washington Houses, Fulton Houses, Gompers Houses, Grampion Apts., Grant Houses, Harbourview Terrrace, Harlem River Houses, Hernandez Houses, Holmes-Isaacs Houses, Ira S. Robbins Plaza, Jackie Robinson Houses, Johnson Houses, LaGuardia Houses, Lehman Village, Lexington Houses, Lincoln Houses, Manhattanville Houses, Martin Luther King Jr. Towers, Meltzer Apts., Metro North Houses, Mt. Morris Park Houses, P.A. Randolph Houses, Polo Grounds Towers, Ralph J. Rangel Houses, Riis Houses, Rutgers Houses, Smith Houses, Straus Houses, St. Nicholas Houses, Taft Houses, Two Bridges Houses, Vladeck Houses, Wagner Houses, Wald Houses, Washington Houses, White Houses, Wilson Houses, Wise Towers.

Below are residences for shorter stays:

Residences for Women Only:

The Webster 419 W. 34th St., NY NY 212-967-9000
The Markle Evangeline, 123 W. 13th St, NY NY 212-242-2400
The Brandon, 340 W. 85th Street, (212) 496-6901
St. Mary's Residence, 225 E. 72nd St. (212)249 6850
Sacred Heart, 432 W. 20th St., Tel.: 212-929-5790
Centro Maria Residence, 539 W.54th St. (10th & 11th) 212-757-6989
Pink Hostel, 137 West 111th Street, Harlem

Residences for Women & Men:

International House, 500 Riverside Dr,. (122 St.) 212-316-8400
92nd St. Y, 1395 Lexington Ave., 800.858.4692
Penington Friends House, 215 E. 15th St./ 3rd Ave., 212-673-1730
Harlem YMCA, 181 W.135 St. (Adam Clayton Powell & Lenox) 212-281-4100
Signature Suites, 160 Bleecker Street, 212-475-4756

The Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen's Club, 283 Lexington Ave. (Between 36th & 37th St.) in Manhattan. Only current & veteran soldiers, marines and airmen. I do not think it is for living year round.

Residences for Men Only:

Kolping House, 65 E 88th St., 212-369-6647
YMCA Guest Rooms in Manhattan, Brooklyn & Queens

Some NYC /Housing info which may be of use to you:

NYC Housing Authority

NYC apartment lotteries

NYC housing portal

More NYC apartment hunting

NYC Tenant's rights, laws, etc.

Anyway...happy hunting!

P.S. Check out "How the Other Half Lives" by Jacob A.Riis. ©1890.

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