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One of the things I can't stand when I go to any eating establishment, is the way most of the hired help clean the tables. They'll spray the amonia cleaner over the table or at a distance so the spray mist from the spray bottle quickly makes it's way over to neighboring tables and then right up my nostrils.

I don't know of anyone who likes to smell amonia or remnants of amonia or glass cleaner while they are eating, drinking, or just waiting to be served. This is very inconsiderate of restaurant management and can be avoided. This doesn't only happen at the inexpensive places, but at the more expensive ones as well. So I have done my best to graphically depict how management and staff should clean off the tables in their establishment.

illustration of spraying a broad, flat surface with cleaner

Figure 1
illustrates what one should NOT do, which is spraying the cleaner directly on a surface.

The spray, as you can see illustrated here, does not go straight on the surface and much of it goes off into the air in a cloud or mist.

Not only is it wasteful, but it can highly disgust someone who's eating or about to, and then has to deal with a disgusting smell while there. This can actually drive your customers to leave quickly and not order a substantial sized check, nor desire to return anytime soon.

Figure 1


illustration of spraying cleaner directly into a rag

Figure 2
illustrates how any surface SHOULD be cleaned where people are eating, drinking and/or congregating.

Get a lintless rag and spray the cleaner directly into the rag. The spray bottle nozzle should be no more than two (2) inches away from the rag. As soon as you have sprayed into the rag, you can proceed to clean off the intended surface.

This should always be the way you or your staff cleans surfaces, even if there is only one customer in the entire place.

Figure 2


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